Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Story Ideas: The Ultimate List

This is an idea that stemmed off of the article me and my friend Luella Treto posted in September 2022: 100 Story Ideas.

Luella and I had a lot of fun writing that blog post together. But it wasn’t until the next day that I had an idea:

What if I collaborated with all of my readers to make a list of story ideas?

And that’s where you come in. You can contribute to my list of ideas!

All you have to do is add any story ideas you have to this spreadsheet. You don’t have to add lots of ideas; just whatever you come up with. Please feel free to return to this page anytime you have another story idea you’d like to add! And also feel free to add other sections within the sheet if you think of any more!

If you missed it, here is the link to the spreadsheet.

Rules for Adding Story Ideas

  • Don’t remove or change anything in the spreadsheet that isn’t yours.
  • Make sure the ideas you add are clean and appropriate for kids to read.
  • Don’t add anything that isn’t related in some way to story writing.
  • Never hesitate to add new good ideas or create new sections!

Leave a comment below to tell me if you’ve added any story ideas! I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts on this.