Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

The Chosen Unseen

Cover Coming Soon!

High schooler Seth’s world has been filled with unanswered questions ever since his father vanished without a trace. But when he discovers a portal to another world, Etheria, he discovers there may be a lot more to his heritage than he first imagined. And in Etheria, he’s important and he has power, unlike his days on earth, where he lives beneath his older sister’s shadow of popularity. Maybe he’s found a true family–somewhere he actually belongs.

Chelsea has been a homeschooler her entire life until her parents decide to send her to public school. All Chelsea wants to do is fit in and find friends, despite the Christian faith that sets her apart, but that seems impossible. Amidst Chelsea’s loneliness, she discovers that she has a secret power–something she’s never felt before.

When her path collides with Seth’s, a realm where elemental powers aren’t just the stuff of legend–they’re real, and they’re escalating. As Seth grapples with the mystery of his father’s disappearance, Chelsea struggles with her faith in God.

Together with a band of misfit friends, Seth and Chelsea must delve into the world of Etheria to save both their worlds from the Enemy.