Well… guess what! I’m doing my first author spotlight post! This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Laura Martin, the author of On the Edge of Extinction, one of my favorite books! Laura Martin is an amazing writer, and I’m so excited for you guys to get to know her.
So here we go! Each question I asked her is highlighted in bold, and her answers are below each question. Enjoy!
What first inspired you to write?
I always felt like books were magic, and I knew that I wanted to create that magic for someone else. I also love a good challenge, and I wanted to see if I could actually get a book published.
What is your favorite genre to write about?
I loved reading science fiction and fantasy as a kid, and now most of my books fall pretty solidly into the science fiction category. I’d love to write a fantasy book someday though!
What do you like to do besides writing?
I have four kids (ages 7-1) so I don’t have a lot of free time these days! In my free time…I write! When I can I love going out to eat with my husband, go for a run, read a book or bake.
What is a project you are working on now?
I’m currently working on putting together a synopsis of two different book ideas to see which one my publisher likes the most!
Do you have any tips for young aspiring authors?
Listen to books. There is something magical that happens when words go in through your ears instead of your eyes. I won’t go into the research, but it has to do with the language patterns that enter your brain, and it’s the best thing you can do if you want to be a writer.
What writing projects are you currently working on?
Other than what I mentioned above, I’m also in the process of trying to find a picture book a home! My agent is submitting it as we speak. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Well, that’s it. Thanks, everyone for reading, and I’ll see you next week!
Also, thanks to Laura! You are amazing!
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