Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Blog Spotlight: Ava Coulter

Hey all! Today I will be spotlighting the blog of the amazing Ava Coulter! I have been following Ava’s blog since the beginning of October, and I love her content! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to spotlight it here on Pen & Ink.

So without further ado, let us get on with some information about Ava’s blog! First, here’s a little bit about her:

Ava Coulter is a novelist, avid tea drinker, and daughter of The King with a love for fairytales and wild adventure.  What started out as stories scribbled and stapled together on printer paper has turned into a passion for sowing seeds of light and hope with her writing. When she’s not typing up fantasy novels in the mountains of Colorado, you can usually find Ava reading way past her bedtime, hunting for Narnia in wardrobes, or making yet another cup of tea. Connect with her on her website at where she discusses all things whimsy, faith, and storytelling.

I really love the design of Ava’s blog – it’s so pretty! And her logo! 😍

(Seriously, Ava, how did you design your blog? Tell me all your secrets!)

Ava also regularly produces quality content that’s always fun to read! She recently interviewed me on her blog, so you can check that post out here. Here are some of my other favorite posts by her:

So I definitely recommend checking out this awesome blog, and make sure to subscribe!

I hope you all have a great week! See you next time!

Do you follow Ava’s blog? What is your favorite blog post (from her blog or from any other blogs)? Do you agree that her website design is beautiful? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!

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8 responses to “Blog Spotlight: Ava Coulter”

  1. Ava Coulter Avatar

    Awww, Annabelle!! Thank you so much for spotlighting my blog!! It means so much! <333

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      You’re welcome, Ava!

  2. Saraina Avatar

    I LOVE her blog!!! Totally recommend it too!! (And yess, the design is so beautiful!) Great spotlight, Annabelle! 😀

    1. Annabelle Avatar


  3. Deigan Avatar

    Yesss, Ava! I love her blog so much! Great post, Annabelle (:

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Thanks, me too!

  4. Miley Simmonds Avatar

    her website is really pretty and I just subscribed to her. good job Annabelle and Ava (:

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Yeah, I agree, she did a great job designing it! Thanks, Miley! 🙂