Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Category: Writing Tips

  • How to Stop Writing Fanfiction and Write Original Stories

    Hey there, readers! A lot of us have experimented with fanfiction before. And while fanfiction is super fun, it can also be fun to transition to writing your own stories, with your own unique characters are plots! Especially if you are a beginner writer and rarely/never write anything…

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  • Writing Dialogue: A Comprehensive Guide for Authors

    Hey there, readers! Ever felt that your characters’ conversations fall flat? Or maybe they sound more like robots than real people? You’re not alone. Crafting authentic dialogue is a challenge, but it’s also the secret sauce that can make your story unforgettable. In this step-by-step guide, I will…

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  • 4 Ways Publishing a Book Changed My Perspective

    Hey there, readers! Yeah, I know… this summer I’ve kind of disappeared from the internet. I’ve gotten lots of emails asking if I’m okay–if I’m still going to keep blogging, or even if I’m still writing. Yes, don’t worry, I am just fine, and I am still writing.…

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  • Interview with Luella Treto

    Once upon a time, there were two authors. One was named Annabelle, and the other was named Luella. Annabelle ran a blog where she interviewed other writers, so she decided she should interview Luella. By Annabelle’s request, the two authors met with each other in the magical land…

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  • 4 Steps to Creating a Sinister Villain (Guest Post by Karli Roth)

    Hey everyone! I come to you today with a very special guest post written by my writer friend, Karli Roth! Karli has some amazing tips to share with you all today about creating a sinister villain. In my opinion, villains are some of the most important and exciting…

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  • Ask Me Questions About Publishing

    Hey everyone! With my recently-published book, Identity, I thought it would be a cool idea to host another Q&A, this time about publishing! Going through the process of publishing Identity taught me a lot, so I want to share some of that knowledge with you. If you have…

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  • 9 Remarkable Blogging Tips from Successful Bloggers

    Today I will be sharing a post written not only by me but three other bloggers! Grace A. Johnson (from Of Blades and Thorns), Joelle Stone (from Sword of the Penmaiden), and Kayti Phillips (from Sisters Three and Writers’ Vision). I’m super excited to share this post with…

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  • Interview with K.M. Weiland

    Hey friends! Today I have a special post for you: an exclusive interview with K.M. Weiland, the second installment in my blogging series about outlining. I had the amazing pleasure of interviewing Katie this past week, and it was super cool to hear her thoughts on outlining your…

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  • Should I Outline my Novel?

    Hello again, readers! Today I am sharing the first post in a blogging series I’m doing about outlining your novel. Today I’m covering the topic: should I outline? This is for all the pantsers (people who don’t outline) who are reading this. (Yes, that does include me.) We…

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  • Writer’s Block and How to Overcome It

    I have known so many writers, including myself, who struggle with writer’s block. As a writer, being in a position where you can’t think of anything to write about is not exactly a good thing. I have gone through this problem, too, and it’s not fun. You get…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Annabelle Batie, and welcome to my blog! I’m a homeschooled freshman with a huge passion for Jesus! I love all things related to writing, reading, and books. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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  1. Thank you! I have no idea when they will be published–I’m hoping The Chosen Unseen will be ready by 2025,…

  2. Hi! I was just wondering when is your books (the song that silences) and (the chosen unseen) might be published?…

  3. AMAZING book! I LOVE It!!!
