Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Month: January 2023

  • Identity Release Update (IMPORTANT!)

    I am writing this post to tell you all some very important news: my novel, Identity, is going to be released later than I had originally planned for. In order to release the very best for you, I’ve decided to move the release date forward to March 1st.…

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  • Interview with Kaytlin Phillips (Writers’ Vision Blog Tour)

    Hey readers! Today I will be sharing an interview I recently did with the author Kaytlin Phillips. As some of you may know, I prefer to interview authors either in person, or on a video call, and then transcribe it later. That way it feels more personal. So that’s…

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  • Editing Q&A – Part 3

    Hi readers! This is the last installment in my Editing Q&A Series, where you readers get to ask me questions about editing and I will answer them! In this post, I’ll be sharing my experience in editing and answering questions, such as how to handle major plot holes,…

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  • Writers’ Vision Blog Tour: Made for Connection (Guest Post)

    Hey readers! Today I will be sharing a post for the Writers’ Vision Blog Tour! You will get to read all about the amazing writing community (Writers’ Vision), as well as read a wonderful guest post from Kaytlin Phillips, the founder of the site! Let’s get started with…

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  • Finding Faith (A Short Story by Madelyn Cassens)

    Hey readers! Today I have a very special post for you: a short story written by the one, the only… Madelyn Cassens! Madelyn has been my best friend for about a year now, and she is a super amazing writer! A few months ago, I asked her if…

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  • Editing Q&A – Part 2

    Hey everyone, and welcome back to the blog! Today I will be continuing my Editing Q&A series, where you (my readers) will get to ask me all your editing-related questions, and I will answer them. We will be going over topics such as breaking cliches, why editing is…

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  • Identity Release Tour Sign-Ups

    Hey everyone! With the upcoming release of my novel, Identity, I decided it would be a good idea to get a release tour together before I run out of time. So I want to invite all of you to participate in the tour! Whether you’re a blogger, a…

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  • 2022 Review + 2023 Goals

    Hello readers, and happy new year! As we turn the page to 2022 and look ahead to 2023, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I accomplished in the past year and set some goals for the year ahead. As you probably know by now,…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Annabelle Batie, and welcome to my blog! I’m a homeschooled freshman with a huge passion for Jesus! I love all things related to writing, reading, and books. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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  1. Thank you! I have no idea when they will be published–I’m hoping The Chosen Unseen will be ready by 2025,…

  2. Hi! I was just wondering when is your books (the song that silences) and (the chosen unseen) might be published?…

  3. AMAZING book! I LOVE It!!!
