Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Interview with Micah Collier

Hello, all you readers! Today I have a special post for you: an interview with the one… the only… Micah Collier!!! *cue applause*

Micah is an author and blogger with an amazing heart for the Lord. I had the pleasure of doing an interview with him for you all to read below.

So without further ado… here is our interview. My questions are bolded, and Micah’s answers are below them.

Tell us about your journey as a writer. What first inspired you to become a writer?

I started writing in early 2016 because of a colorful, empty line-paged, Write Your Own Story book we had on our bookshelf. It had different sections for different story concepts and prompts. After opening it multiple times and glancing at the book as I passed it by, I finally decided to write in it—from then on, I wrote stories.

How would you say the Lord has contributed to that journey?

He’s given me supportive parents, a safe Christian home environment, and vocabulary word lists; He’s led me to The Young Writer’s Workshop, and so much more.

What inspired you to start your blog, MiCalling?

The Crazy Writing Week of January 2022 inspired me; it showed me that I need a platform, and after I joined the workshop, I started my blog. The reason I blog quickly shaped into something to further God’s kingdom with my writing platform.

For you, what is the hardest part of writing a story? What is the easiest part?

I’m not completely sure I felt this during other projects, but writing the scenes directly before the climax feels tedious and lengthy, but as I write more (serious) projects, I’ll know. The least challenging part might be writing the concluding chapters or even the starting chapters of my project!

What projects are you currently working on?

I have four projects: Zest Adventures On Zeppadar Book 6: Infection Part Two: A Game of Hiding & Finding, Ineffable Expeditions On Illesolocar: Crushed, The Adventures of Georgie, and Micah Star Wars: The Jedi Return Book 2: Infiltration.

Who is your favorite author? Why?

I’ve never had a concrete or even potential answer to this question, but I’ve enjoyed Lauren Tarshis’ I Survived books in the past, Geronimo Stilton’s books, and Jenny L. Cote’s Epic Order of The Seven. Jenny L. Cote was the closest to being my favorite.

If you could only share one piece of advice with another writer, what would you say?

If you commit your work to the LORD, your labor will never be vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Thanks so much, Micah! I don’t know about you, but I know I really enjoyed this interview!

So how about you? Who’s your favorite author? Have you heard of MiCalling before? What got you started writing? Feel free to answer in the comments below!

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9 responses to “Interview with Micah Collier”

  1. Joelle Stone Avatar

    Great interview, you guys!! That advice is gold. *nodnod*

  2. Isabella Avatar

    Great interview! I love Micah’s commitment to the Lord!

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Me too!!

  3. Ava Coulter Avatar
    Ava Coulter

    Awesome interview guys!!!

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Thanks, Ava!

  4. Micah {SGL} Collier Avatar

    Yayyy, my pleasure! I did not expect that to appear in my inbox

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Haha, sorry, I probably should have let you know I was posting it.

      1. Micah {SGL} Collier Avatar

        No, I was excited and surprised. I was like oh boy

        So, you’re totally okay.

  5. Saraina Whitney Avatar

    “If you commit your work to the LORD, your labor will never be vain.” Ohhh, that verse is PERFECT for us writers!!! Thank you for sharing that, Micah!!