Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

More Fiction Written by Caleb: Thunderstorm, Part 2

Fiction by Caleb race car cover image

Hello readers!

A couple of weeks ago, my little brother, Caleb, posted another one of his fan fiction stories, Thunderstorm. He just finished part two of the story, so you can all read some more fiction by Caleb! If you haven’t read the first part of his story yet, I would recommend doing so.

Please let Caleb know what you think! He loves hearing from his readers.

Thunderstorm – Fiction by Caleb Batie

Chapter 9

Because Shadowfast Brantesco shot some bullets and Bruno said, “No! No! No! It’s too dangerous!”

Chapter 10

And the owner said, “We can’t stop the race!” And then Bruno went in the race and transformed. All the people cheered. And the owner of the race was surprised but he was also mad. And the owner of the race called the police and the police came and went in the race too.

Chapter 11

And Thunderstorm barely won the race because he used three wheels. But his dad Bruno was sad in jail. But he was happy that Thunderstorm won the race.

But at night Bruno snuck out. And they lived happily ever after.


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One response to “More Fiction Written by Caleb: Thunderstorm, Part 2”

  1. Amelia Avatar

    Well, I am ridiculously late haha, but awww, they had a happy ending!!! Way to go, Caleb! 😀