Big news: My novel, Identity, is finally available for Kindle pre-order on Amazon! 🥳
So now you can order Identity and receive the ebook version of it by February 2023. I’m still working on the third draft, so that’s why the date is still so far in the future. But I’m super excited for you guys to be able to order this!
I have worked so incredibly hard on this novel, and getting this close to publishing it is truly an achievement for me. I can’t believe I’ve come this far! And yet here I am, with my book available for pre-order. Isn’t it crazy?
I know this isn’t a very long post, but I just wanted to hop on here and tell you all this exciting news. If you want to pre-order Identity, you can check out the Amazon listing here. Annnnnnd… in case you all are curious, below is the cover I created for the book!

That cover definitely took some work, but I’m pretty satisfied with it.
Now, I’m going to ask a quick favor of each one of you. Could you take the time to tell at least one person about Identity? It would truly mean a lot to me if you did. Even if it’s just as much as a small “Hey, check out this book that will soon be published”, if everyone helps spread the news, then it will go a long way. So just tell anyone about my book, whether it’s one person, ten people, or more. And if you do help share the news, then feel free to comment below saying that you did!
Well, that’s about it. I hope you all have a wonderful week!
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