Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Category: Characters

  • Interview with Luella Treto

    Once upon a time, there were two authors. One was named Annabelle, and the other was named Luella. Annabelle ran a blog where she interviewed other writers, so she decided she should interview Luella. By Annabelle’s request, the two authors met with each other in the magical land…

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  • What’s Their Name? – Blog Tag

    Hey everyone! Some of you may have noticed some changes around the blog here because I’ve been redesigning some things. Be aware that the site is still under construction, but I have officially finished my landing page! Let me know what you all think! Now, onto the post.…

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  • How to Write Distinct Character Voices

    God created each human being uniquely, with different personalities. No one person is the same. Therefore their actions, thoughts, and especially their ways of speaking, reflect who they are. They each have distinct character voices. Each and every one of your book characters has their own unique personality,…

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  • Quiz: What Kind of Mermaid Are You?

    Hey everyone! As most of you probably know, the current book series I’m working on, Daughters of the Sea, is all about mermaids. Although I’m getting kind of old for it, I’m still super obsessed with these amazing fantasy creatures! In the lore of my underwater fantasy world,…

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  • Using Real-Life People as Characters in your Story

    I recently read a book called Gulliver Wimple and the Gems of Dara Mhor by Gary Bower (who, by the way, lives here in Michigan). I highly recommend the book, and to read more about it, you can visit my Book Recommendations post. Gary Bower actually uses a very…

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  • How to Create Relatable Characters in your Story

    Creating relatable characters is one of the most vital parts of writing your story. If readers aren’t able to relate to your characters, then the story will be boring for them and then they won’t want to read it. So here are a few tips on how you…

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  • Character Flaws List: 30 Different Character Flaws to Use for your Fictional Character

    Every character in your story, regardless of whether they are the bad guy or good guy, needs at least one flaw. Every human person has flaws, even if it seems like they don’t. Some are more obvious, and others are less. But if you want your fictional character…

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  • 2 Basic Character Chart Templates

    I am a person who loves to plan. For me, it’s hard to not have everything planned out and sketched out for my stories. I like everything to be organized. For each character I make, I try to create some kind of character chart/description to use for my…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Annabelle Batie, and welcome to my blog! I’m a homeschooled freshman with a huge passion for Jesus! I love all things related to writing, reading, and books. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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  1. Crull?

  2. Thank you! I have no idea when they will be published–I’m hoping The Chosen Unseen will be ready by 2025,…
