You all probably have seen that I’ve been trying not to do too many blog tags lately… but I was recently tagged for this one by Joelle Stone (Sword of the Penmaiden), and it looked like fun.
In case you don’t know what a blog tag is, allow me to explain. A blog tag is like a challenge that bloggers do. A blogger can create a tag by giving a list of questions in a post and “tagging” other bloggers to answer those questions. Then those bloggers can answer the questions in a post and tag even more bloggers, and it just goes on and on.
So, now let’s get to the rules for this tag!
The Rules
- Link back to the person who created the tag.
- Thank the person who tagged you. (Thanks, Joelle!)
- Share the tag graphic.
- Tag eleven bloggers.
The Questions
Vital Stats and Appearance
Name: Annabelle Batie
Nicknames: Umm… that one is difficult. I have the simple, respectful nicknames: Anna, Bella, Bell, etc. And then I have the more strange nicknames: Ocean Baby Princess Y’all, Earrings Girl, Winnie, Richette, Bananabelle, Catastrophe, Bella Ann Bun, Grammar Girl (and variations such as Grammy, Grammarly, Grammar Geek, and Spellcheck), Miz Poet Lady, and Pinkie. (Whew, that was a lot! If anyone wants to hear the stories behind any one of these nicknames, please feel free to comment below asking about it!)
Birthday: May 9th, 2008
Hair color and length: My hair is brown mostly… but it’s kind of a light brown color. (Some people call that dirty blond. I don’t.) It’s a little below shoulder length right now.
Eye color: Uhh… I’m not actually sure about this one. I think my eyes might be a sort of brownish-greenish color?
Braces/piercings/tattoos: No braces right now (yay!), but I do have my ears pierced. I love wearing earrings, (as you may have guessed from my nickname “Earrings Girl”.
Righty or lefty: Righty.
Ethnicity: American/Canadian. One of my grandparents is Canadian, and all the others are American (as far as I know).
First novel written: The Big Adventure. I wrote it when I was eight. I called it a “novel”, but it was really only about 40 pages long.
First novel completed: If you could call The Big Adventure a novel, then that would be my first. But my current WIP, Identity, has also been (mostly) finished and will be published in a few months! Identity is really the first novel I’ve completed, speaking technically.
Award for writing: I don’t think I have one yet…
First publication: I don’t really remember! I think my first published article (besides the ones here on Pen & Ink) was How to Edit Your Novel: the Complete Step-by-Step Guide on Kingdom Pen.
Conference: I haven’t gone to a writing conference in person yet, but I have participated in some online.
Novel (that you wrote): Dang, that’s hard. I think if I had to choose… it would be Identity.
Genre: Everything! No, just kidding. I write/read Christian fantasy, Young Adult, Middle Grade, Action/Adventure, Science Fiction, Romance, and probably a few other random genres.
Author: Andrew Peterson! I also like J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, S.D. Smith, Jennifer A. Nielsen, Gary Bower, Laura Martin… I could go on and on.
Writing Music: I like to listen to instrumental music, especially piano (since that’s an instrument I can play fairly well). A lot of the time I listen to playlists on Spotify created by Saraina or Ava Coulter. I also have my own playlists for each one of my WIPs that I use often.
Time To Write: Definitely morning! I normally get up at six, write for an hour or two while the rest of my family is still in bed, then after that I’ll eat breakfast and do school and stuff. Sometimes I write in the evenings too, if I’m not too busy.
Writing Snack/Drink: Chai Tea!
Movie: I’m not a huge movie fan… but I do really like the Chronicles of Narnia movies.
Childhood Book: (I’m not a child anymore?!?!?!) Okay, when I was really young, though, I really liked Go, Dog, Go!, Green Eggs and Ham, The Eye Book, and a few other books that I probably don’t remember.
Reading: Well… I’m actually not reading anything right now hehe… mostly because of the scarcity of good books, and the fact that I’m too busy editing Identity to find a lot of time for it.
Writing: Identity, The Keeper of the Phantom Reef (Book 2 in Daughters of the Sea), Thunderstorm (I just started drafting this one. I probably won’t finish it or focus too heavily on it until Identity is published), Between Universes (a collaboration with my friend Luella. I’m taking a break from this one also until Identity is published, but I’ll resume writing that in February.), Sea of Rubies (another collaboration project with my friends Sarah, Gwyn, Sam, and Madelyn. I am also taking a break from this one.)
Listening to: TobyMac!!! (Especially his new album, Life After Death).
Watching: I started watching Wargames, which is a science fiction movie, that my dad apparently really enjoys. Other than that, I haven’t really watched much TV. Unless you count all the random times I scroll through YouTube.
Learning: How editing a book is not as easy as it sounds. XD
Want To Be Published: For sure!
Indie or Traditional: Probably indie… although I may switch to traditional based on how well that works for me. At this point, I’m kind of experimenting.
Wildest Goal: To become famous?? XD
The Tags
(Man, Joelle already tagged all the people I considered tagging lol)
- Grace A. Johnson @Of Blades and Thorns
- Emma Thrasher @Roses of Grace
- Lillian Keith
- Daniel Amador @The Right Kind of Writer
- Saraina Whitney
- Teen Writer’s Nook
- Adele Handfield @The Lamp Post
- And anyone else who wants to do it lol
And there you are! The Get To Know Me Tag!
Did you enjoy this tag? What are some of your nicknames? What’s your favorite time to write? Have you heard of TobyMac? Let me know in the comments below!
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