Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

I Wrote an Article for Kingdom Pen

Kingdom Pen How to Edit Your Novel Cover Image

When you read the title of this blog post, you might think that I actually, finally got around to publishing my novel, Identity. Sadly, not yet. I’m still working on that. But what I did do, is the next best thing: have my writing featured on another website! I wrote a blog post for a website called Kingdom Pen, which helps teen Christian writers like me navigate writing. They allow people to submit their own blog posts to their blog, so I did that, and it was accepted!

Now it’s published, and you can view it here. I wrote about how to edit your novel, and the steps of that. I am going through the editing process currently, so it was helpful to write about it.

So enjoy reading my first article on Kingdom Pen, and let me know what you think!

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11 responses to “I Wrote an Article for Kingdom Pen”

  1. […] really remember! I think my first published article (besides the ones here on Pen & Ink) was How to Edit Your Novel: the Complete Step-by-Step Guide on Kingdom […]

  2. Kevin Baerg Avatar
    Kevin Baerg

    Wow – congratulations! You did several things that are noteworthy here: First, you came up with one of your most engaging blog titles! It was hard NOT to click on the link to find out about your publishing success. Second, you produced an extremely helpful article chock full of tips and sage advice to assist the budding author! Really proud of you and the writing discipline you’ve shown to achieve this!

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Aw, thank you! I’m so glad you thought my article was helpful, as I put a lot of hard work into it.

  3. Patty baerg Avatar
    Patty baerg

    Good article Annabelle. I enjoyed your insights and thought processes! Congratulations!

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Aw, thank you!

  4. Selah Shupe Avatar
    Selah Shupe

    so cool!

  5. Heaven Avatar

    Oh my word, that’s amazing, Anabelle! Congratulations!!! I will definitely be reading it. 🙂

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Thanks, Heaven! I appreciate it.

  6. Emma Avatar

    Awesome job, Annabelle!! That article’s going to come in very helpful when I finish my first draft, so thanks for writing it!

    1. Annabelle Avatar

      Yeah, you’re welcome!

  7. Autumn Rebecca Avatar

    That’s amazing! Congratulations! ❤️