Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Category: News

  • Identity Sales Update + New WIP

    I’m glad to say that March has been a very successful month so far. My recently published novel, Identity, has received way more sales than I originally expected! I’m excited to see where the Lord takes this book, and I hope that it reaches the many people out…

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  • Identity Blog Tour Wrap-Up

    I’m happy to say that Identity‘s release tour was very successful! I got lots of great feedback and orders on my book, and it was so much fun reading everyone’s posts and comments! Thank you to everyone who has participated in the tour; you all took time out…

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  • Identity Release Day + Tour Kickoff

    It’s finally here!!! My book, Identity, has been published! I have dreamed of writing this post for almost three years now, and I’m actually able to write it–and publish it–now! Let’s take a look at the final cover and blurb of my book: Maria Brooks is just a…

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  • Identity Release Tour Sign-Ups

    Hey everyone! With the upcoming release of my novel, Identity, I decided it would be a good idea to get a release tour together before I run out of time. So I want to invite all of you to participate in the tour! Whether you’re a blogger, a…

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  • 2022 Review + 2023 Goals

    Hello readers, and happy new year! As we turn the page to 2022 and look ahead to 2023, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I accomplished in the past year and set some goals for the year ahead. As you probably know by now,…

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  • What’s Your WIP? Blog Tag

    Hey readers! A few weeks ago my friend Emma at Roses of Grace tagged me for the “What’s Your WIP?” blog tag! As some of you may know, I typically don’t do a ton of blog tags because I don’t want to spam my readers too much with…

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  • The Short Story Contest Second Place Winner!

    Hey friends, welcome back to Pen & Ink! I will be sharing the second place winner of the short story contest with all of you today. First, I’ll announce who it is, then I will share the winner’s story and what I liked about it. So here we…

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  • The Short Story Contest Third Place Winner

    Hey readers, today I will finally be announcing the third place winner of the Pen & Ink Short Story Contest I did last month. First, I will share who the winner actually is, then I will be sharing the story written by the winner. Are you all ready?…

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  • Contest Submissions Due Tomorrow!

    I’m just popping on here really quick to let you all know that the short story contest ends tomorrow! If you haven’t submitted your story yet, then please do so before 12:00 AM tomorrow night. I will be announcing the winners very soon, at the beginning of August.…

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  • I’ve Officially Reached 100 Subscribers! (Plus Blog News)

    Hello readers, I have some exciting news for you today! I’ve finally reached a goal I’ve been trying to reach for a long time! I. Have. Officially. Reached. 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!! Isn’t that just amazing?! I have no idea if you all are as excited as I am right…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Annabelle Batie, and welcome to my blog! I’m a homeschooled freshman with a huge passion for Jesus! I love all things related to writing, reading, and books. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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  1. Thank you! I have no idea when they will be published–I’m hoping The Chosen Unseen will be ready by 2025,…

  2. Hi! I was just wondering when is your books (the song that silences) and (the chosen unseen) might be published?…

  3. AMAZING book! I LOVE It!!!
