Pen & Ink

Sharing Fiction, Poetry, and Writing Tutorials

Category: Stories

  • Book Review: Tell Me You Love Me Anthology

    Hey readers! It’s been a little while. I hope you all are doing well! In today’s post, we get to discuss the Tell Me You Love Me Anthology which was recently published by author Grace A. Johnson. So let’s jump straight into the review! We’ll start with the…

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  • Finding Faith (A Short Story by Madelyn Cassens)

    Hey readers! Today I have a very special post for you: a short story written by the one, the only… Madelyn Cassens! Madelyn has been my best friend for about a year now, and she is a super amazing writer! A few months ago, I asked her if…

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  • Identity: Chapter 1 (Sneak Peek!)

    I am super excited (and nervous) about today’s post! Today, I will be sharing… an exclusive sneak peek of… Identity! Yes, that’s right. All of you guys will get to read the first chapter of my novel, Identity, which will be published in February 2023. I will warn…

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  • The Short Story Contest Second Place Winner!

    Hey friends, welcome back to Pen & Ink! I will be sharing the second place winner of the short story contest with all of you today. First, I’ll announce who it is, then I will share the winner’s story and what I liked about it. So here we…

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  • The Short Story Contest Third Place Winner

    Hey readers, today I will finally be announcing the third place winner of the Pen & Ink Short Story Contest I did last month. First, I will share who the winner actually is, then I will be sharing the story written by the winner. Are you all ready?…

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  • Should I Outline my Novel?

    Hello again, readers! Today I am sharing the first post in a blogging series I’m doing about outlining your novel. Today I’m covering the topic: should I outline? This is for all the pantsers (people who don’t outline) who are reading this. (Yes, that does include me.) We…

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  • More Fiction Written by Caleb: Thunderstorm, Part 2

    Hello readers! A couple of weeks ago, my little brother, Caleb, posted another one of his fan fiction stories, Thunderstorm. He just finished part two of the story, so you can all read some more fiction by Caleb! If you haven’t read the first part of his story…

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  • Fiction Short Story for Teens – March

    Hey everyone! I have finally gotten around to posting my third fiction short story for teens, The Child of the Lenorans. This story is a short fantasy suspense fiction for teens that I wrote on the spur of the moment. In this short story, I experimented with switching…

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  • More Fiction Written by Caleb: Thunderstorm, Part 1

    Hello everyone! This week I will share some more fiction by Caleb, my little brother. Some of you may have read his last story, Poppleton’s New House. Caleb is now coming back to us with another fan fiction, this time about the Disney Pixar movie, Cars. Caleb has…

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  • Fiction Short Story for Teens – February

    Hey everyone! I finally finished my second fiction short story for teens, New Life! This fiction short story for teens is actually a piece I wrote for a magazine called Ugandan Pages, which is edited by a girl named Selah. This story will be featured in her Summer…

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About Me

Hi, I’m Annabelle Batie, and welcome to my blog! I’m a homeschooled freshman with a huge passion for Jesus! I love all things related to writing, reading, and books. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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  1. Thank you! I have no idea when they will be published–I’m hoping The Chosen Unseen will be ready by 2025,…

  2. Hi! I was just wondering when is your books (the song that silences) and (the chosen unseen) might be published?…

  3. AMAZING book! I LOVE It!!!
